Haha, that's true. The first post is always the hardest.
Hmmm..I've always been more of a runner than yogi until the late recent. I've been doing yoga on-and-off and have only been attending yoga classes regularly about once a week from about Feb/Mar. I kinda got hooked on my practices and started practising more from twice a week to about 3 times a week now.
To incorporate so many classes within a week is not easy because I lived by the OL life from Mon-Fri but these days, it's a part of me - a form of escape and therapy which makes me feels good and alive!
Obviously after practising regularly, I've found so much benefits in it.
1. Patient
In every class, there's no place to go other than our mat. The art of holding and balancing a pose is not as easy as you think! Yoga has taught me to focus on my breathing, let go of the outcome and surrender to the present moment. This applies in life.
2. Improve my concentration
When our mind gets distracted, it's hard for us to focus. In yoga, we're taught to take our attention to a single point of focus. We're always reminded to come back to our breathe (and this is something I always forget!) Through my practices, I started to watch my breathe through my pose and truly, my concentration skills has started to improve.
3. Letting go
When I enter my studio and step onto my mat after a long, tired, difficult day, my emotions would be fixed. Practice helps my mind to slowly let go of the stale thoughts and feel light.
4. The sweat!
I love to sweat. In yoga, the sweatier the better. This is especially true when doing Bikram. I am always amazed by the amount of sweat dripping down my chin, thighs and body at the end of class. Yoga sweat makes me feels gloriously feminine.
5. Everyday is different
It's very true in one class I find myself extremely strong and flexible and in the next, there's immense struggle - the struggle to stay on 1 leg, the struggle to hold on warrior poses. Our practices are constantly evolving, I've learn that we're cyclical and not fixed. It never ends and that's a gift.
There are so much more benefits and the list goes on. I'm still in the amidst of learning about yoga, embracing and learning about myself.
I hope to find more yogis in Singapore and let's have some fun doing practices together! ;)